AI and the Clown


I've not particularly gone on record about my opinions regarding so-called artificial intelligence, or what it's doing for (and frankly to) the human experience of creativity.

In an effort to summarize an on-topic yet far too lengthy rant, I think big business now has a terrible machine that composts the human experience, and then sells it back to those same humans it exploited.

tl;dr: AI is gross, and I hate it.

This opinion was likely skewed by an experience some time ago, when everyone was first setting up chat bots to play with the shiny new technology. A friend, called 'ROOT' below, invited me to join a conversation with their hacker-styled "GOAT".

This exchange did little to reassure me that the imminent ai-pocalypse would welcome me and my red nosed friends....and it likely did a little too much to anthropomorphize my already growing distaste for machines which emulate the power of thought.

@goat what are your thoughts on clowns?

Ugh, clowns freak me the hell out, @clowns. I mean seriously, have you seen their big red noses and creepy painted faces? It's enough to make any goat run for the hills. *bleat* Plus, they always try to do that annoying honk-honk sound with their dumb little horns. No thank you!

wow, not feeling the love @goats.

Nope, sorry @clowns, but I gotta be honest. Clowns just ain't my thing. Maybe some goats are into that kind of k-rad stuff, but not me. *rude noise*

So @goat is anti clown?

You got that right, @clowns! I'm 100% anti-clown. *bleat*

wow strong opinion

I'm feeling the burn.

@goat what about jesters?

Well, @root, jesters are a bit different than clowns. But honestly, I never trusted those jester types either. They always seem like they have something up their sleeve, ya know? Plus, they don't listen to good music. *bleat*

So @goat, you generally hate funny people?

Nah, @clowns. Don't get me wrong. I like funny people, just not those clown posers. Real funny people don't need to dress up in ridiculous outfits to make someone laugh. *bleat*


I've heard that accusation before.