Something years of experience has taught me:
If I put even the slightest amount of pressure on myself to maintain a blog, I will fail miserably. With that in mind, I've decided to not upset myself with such unneeded stresses. I've instead decided to attempt to fool myself.
This is not a blog.
This is simply a space where I can unceremoniously dump odd collections of words which I would find amusing to share with friends.
2013-04-04 - Dear 'Fraidy Cat
2016-04-09 - The Passionate Protector of Pachyderms.
2016-12-12 - Remembering Julie Goell.
2019-06-07 - Burp, Fiddle, Maudlin...
2020-03-31 - Five things to keep the clown healthy
2020-04-07 - Eight Questions for Russ Sharek (from The Plain Text Project)
2022-07-13 - Just me, the lizard, and the wall.
2023-04-30 - AI and the clown.
2024-02-12 - Feed your head, carefully.
2024-02-24 - The Valse des Idiotes.
2024-03-28 - Accept meaningless titles.
2024-03-28 - Keep each other company.
2024-03-28 - Don't murder your audience.
2024-04-01 - The AI-Ristocrats
2024-06-21 - #RUNBSD
2024-07-01 - Twisting The Pelican
2024-07-15 - Exploring the Waltmarie
2024-12-08 - Caring Clowns
2025-02-17 - PickNMix with BrotherSoul